Return Policy

Standard Return Policy

You can initiate a return for most new and unopened items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. You must return items in new or unused condition with all original materials included with the shipment. We must receive your returned items at our processing facility within 45 days of delivery. We inspect all returned items and award a partial refund for opened or used products. Restocking fees will apply on all straight returns (incorrectly ordered, changed mind, returning instead of replacing per our policy, etc.), and you will be responsible for the cost of return shipping. If the return is a result of our error or defective product, we will refund the full cost of the merchandise and shipping charges.

If you initiate a return after 30 days, we may issue a partial refund or reserve the right to not accept a return.

Defective Product and Returns Due to Our Error

You may return defective items, items damaged at the time of receipt, and incorrect items received without penalty. Your return shipping charges will be waived.

When we receive your return, we inspect the item and provide a replacement or issue a refund. If the product is not defective, return shipping fees will apply and/or a partial refund may be issued.

Damage by Shipping Carrier

For standard carrier shipments (i.e.; US Postal Service, UPS, FedEx, etc.), we must have been notified (by phone or email) of any damage (or other problems) and have been provided with any and all additional information within 2 business days of you receiving your products. Once you have determined that the products shipped to you were received damaged, you need to notify us and the carrier (i.e.; US Postal Service, UPS, FedEx, etc.) within 2 business days. At time of delivery, if the packaging appears damaged on the outside, please refuse to accept it from the carrier, and let us know immediately; or please make sure when signing the shipper's proof-of-delivery slip (on deliveries requiring a signature), you include a note stating the package is or appears to be damaged.


Non Returnable Items:

Any custom item that is personalized is not eligible for return.